The Shopping Cart Apocalypse

The wait is over! Several months ago I sold a strange little short story called "The Shopping Cart Apocalypse" to PseudoPod, a premier horror podcast. I came up with the title while I was walking through the parking lot of my local Target (yes, really). I've never written a story from the title until this one, and I wrote the story in a frenzy, unsure of why the idea had taken me over so completely. It is not only the first story I wrote from the title forward: It is also my first pro sale and my first podcasted story.

I am extremely happy with Alasdair Stuart's reading. He's amazing, and brings more of the story to life than I could have wished for. Dagny Paul's analysis is also wonderful, deftly tying together character threads I feared I'd left too disparate or obscure (and in the process, easing my fears).

You can listen to the story here:

OR, just subscribe to PseudoPod and get so many other wonderful stories in addition to mine.

Remain vigilant

Remain vigilant